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We have hundreds of free patterns available with purchase of yarn.
Select a category and view patterns.
Click on the picture to see if the yarn is available on the DY web site where the pattern might be free.
If the yarn is available, click on the link to the yarn, then click on the blue button showing free patterns for the yarn..


Cardigans, Jackets Coats Cowl, Loops
Dresses and Skirts Gloves, Mittens, Wristers Hats, Beanies, Headbands
Home goods, Bags, Purses All things for men Ponchos, Kimonos, Capes, Caplets, Drapes, Serape
Pullovers, Slip-ons Scarves Shawls
Shrugs Socks, Anklets, things worn near feet Stoles
Tops, Tees, Shells Tunics Vests

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